To Whom much is given, much is expected. Global Hope for Equity Action, GHOPEA was born from the inspiration and a dream of a group of individuals that have a collective vision of helping humanity and specifically Underserved Communities by using Sport Education as one of the main tools to push Progress forward. Sport has the power of bringing people together the history of stopping wars, and lifting individuals, families, and communities out of poverty.


Stanislas Matthia

Stan graduated from University of Arizona with a degree in Civil Engineering and an MBA with emphasis on Project Management from The George Washington University. Stan is currently working for the US Department of State. With close to 20 years of experience in the Construction Industry and Project Management working overseas and domestically, Stan is convinced that he can give back to society by helping young underprivileged kids in impoverished areas. #cancelpoverty

Vice President- Board Member

Patrick graduated from Norfolk State University with a degree in Construction Engineering where he was a Division 1 collegiate wrestler. Patrick also holds a Masters of Engineering Degree from the University of Alabama at Birmingham. Patrick is currently working for the US Department of State. With over 24 years of experience in the Construction Industry and Project Management working overseas and domestically, Patrick is determined to bring Hope into underserved communities  

Sandra Matthia
Chief Advocacy - Board Member

Sandra is a businesswoman and a devoted mother. She is passionate about uplifting people and bringing people together regardless of their social classes, races, religions, or sexual preferences. #OutofManyOne

Tanyka Matthia
Grant Researcher - Social Media Analyst

Tanyka is a sophomore at George Mason University with the hope becoming a Neuroscientist. Tanyka is also proud to represent US Air Force. Tanyka loves to bring smile to people faces. She is devoted to fight for everyone and particularly folks from impoverished communities. #NoOneBehind.