To Whom much is given, much is expected. Global Hope for Equity Action, GHOPEA was born from the inspiration and a dream of a group of individuals that have a collective vision of helping humanity and specifically Underserved Communities by using Sport Education as one of the main tools to push Progress forward. Sport has the power of bringing people together the history of stopping wars, and lifting individuals, families, and communities out of poverty.


Kossi Miwodeka Noutsoudje
Head Coach

Kossi (Parito) is the academy Head Coach. He is a legendary former national team football player who played twice African Cup of Nation and played for several teams ASEC of Abidjan, Goldfields of Ghana, Stade Tunisien, and Entente II of Lome. He was named best player and best goal-scorer of Africa and clubs a few times.

Ayaovi Inalesse Akoutan
Regional Principal Coordinator

Ayaovi graduated from the University of Lome. A former football player, Ayaovi was not able to have a successful professional football career; however, he is very successful in the art of motivation.  Ayaovi is a true inspiration to kids in his very poor neighborhood where kids look up to him because of his humility and life experience as a football player.  #cancelpoverty