Monthly Archives: February 2022
Lawyers for former President Donald Trump, Ivanka Trump and Donald Trump Jr. are appealing the New York state judge’s decision earlier this month ordering them to sit for depositions in the New York attorney general’s civil investigation into the Trump Organization.Lawyers for former President Donald Trump, Ivanka Trump and Donald Trump Jr. are appealing the […]
Derek Jeter has stepped down as the CEO of the Miami Marlins, citing philosophical differences with the Major League Baseball (MLB) club.Derek Jeter has stepped down as the CEO of the Miami Marlins, citing philosophical differences with the Major League Baseball (MLB) club.
Ukrainian forces have so far managed to stave off Russian ground forces massed less than 20 miles north of the embattled capital Kyiv — but though they’ve defied US intelligence predictions that the city would likely fall within one to four days of a full-scale Russian assault, US officials warn that Russian President Vladimir Putin […]
Turkey has officially labeled Russia’s invasion of Ukraine as a war, in a move that experts said could potentially hinder some of Moscow’s military activities in the region.Turkey has officially labeled Russia’s invasion of Ukraine as a war, in a move that experts said could potentially hinder some of Moscow’s military activities in the region.
Florida Rep. Ted Deutch announced on Monday he will not seek reelection in November, the latest in a string of Democratic members of Congress who have decided to retire or seek another office in a challenging political environment.Florida Rep. Ted Deutch announced on Monday he will not seek reelection in November, the latest in a […]
The Ukrainian defenders of Snake Island — who were all feared dead after their defiant response to threats from a Russian warship — are actually “alive and well,” according to the Ukrainian Navy.The Ukrainian defenders of Snake Island — who were all feared dead after their defiant response to threats from a Russian warship — […]
US Army Maj. Gen. James “Spider” Marks tells CNN’s John King what military strategies Russia has implemented and what Ukrainians have learned during the pivotal first five days of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.US Army Maj. Gen. James “Spider” Marks tells CNN’s John King what military strategies Russia has implemented and what Ukrainians have learned […]
A driver miraculously survived after a tractor-trailer crashed into the Charles River in Massachusetts. State police are investigating the cause of the crash.A driver miraculously survived after a tractor-trailer crashed into the Charles River in Massachusetts. State police are investigating the cause of the crash.
Russian forces shell residential neighborhood in Kharkiv, Ukraine, despite Russia’s promise to not target civilian areas. CNN’s Alex Marquardt reports.Russian forces shell residential neighborhood in Kharkiv, Ukraine, despite Russia’s promise to not target civilian areas. CNN’s Alex Marquardt reports.